Multi-day canoe trips: Linglé-Bouillon part
Linglé-Bouillon course +/-30km (+-6h00), open all year round according to the conditions of the decree in force
Boarding at the Linglé bridge, on the left bank (small car park, maneuvering area), immediately upstream of the bridge. A wide meander where the current is calm offers a superb view of the villages of Cugnon and Mortehan: dam upstream of the bridge which connects the 2 villages. The dam is easily crossed by the wide pass located on the left. Admire the mill on the way. About 1.5 km downstream from the dam, Saint-Remacle campsite area (municipality of Bertrix) on the right bank; the area is located on the reach that bypasses the island to the right.
After Cugnon, the Semois sets off again in one of its long wild sections, without the possibility of disembarking, for some 7 km, to a place called Les Hayons. “Gué du Maka” area, right bank, immediately after the campsite (parking, maneuvering). In the Gaume dialect, Maka designates the old hammer that struck iron in the forges, which used to be numerous along the river. Attention, near the campsite, there is a cable stretched across the river: follow the right bank as closely as possible.
After the Maka Ford, the Semois forms several islands: cross them to the right (risk of ice jams in the arms on the left, sometimes impassable: danger). As a reminder, it is forbidden to land on the islands (to protect the peace of the birds). 4 km (1 hour) downstream from the Maka, the old Dohan dam passes without any particular difficulty (be careful in high water, do not go to the right). Under Dohan Castle, at bridge level, old dam (can be crossed) and “Saty” area directly under the bridge and 40 meters downstream, on the left bank (no parking, difficult docking in high water)._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
After Dohan, for 7 km, the river begins a wide meander to go up towards the north. After about 4 km (1 hour), an old dam is crossed by finding a passage rather to the right, depending on the water level (in low water, do not enter the arm along the left bank). The river then gradually turns south again. Gué du Han du Han area on the right bank: a large area of meadows, suitable for a picnic (tables on the edge of the forest 100 m from the river, car access, parking). About 2 km downstream from the Han du Han ford, after a vast meadow on the right bank, a large island is preferably bypassed on the left (passage on the right often congested, danger).
The Semois makes two more wide meanders for 7 km, which lead to the entrance to Bouillon. Compulsory landing on the left of the dam: “La Vanne” area. Access: walk along the left bank to the equipped landing stage (large car park but often full on sunny days.
(Source: Kayak.environment.wallonie.be)