What to do in and around Chiny?
‘February too mild, spring in wrath
Thursday 13th February
- Chiny :Les Jeudis du comptoir: music with ‘Lena’ at the Anciennes Écoles from 7pm. Admission by the hatful. Info: Centre Culturel du Beau Canton: +32 61 31 54 04
Saturday 15th February
- Chiny : Torchlight night-time walk organised by the Comité des Fêtes, followed by a meal.
Saturday 22nd February
- Chiny : rando-Resto : 13th edition : the S.I. de Chiny proposes a guided walk of 14 km between Sainte-Cécile and Herbeumont. Lunch at the end of the route at La Forgerie. Choice of fillet of red mullet with Orval and Espelette peppers or Supreme of poultry ‘between Sambre and Meuse’ + 1 special beer: 27€/pers (meal and guidance). Departure at 9.30 a.m. from the car park (GPS: 49.75181, 5.248935) along the N884 between Sainte-Cécile and Herbeumont, finishing around 2.30 p.m. Registration required: +32 61 31 54 04 or info@chiny-tourisme.be
From 30/02 to 13/3
- Chiny: At the Centre Culturel (Anciennes Écoles) ‘Masques’: a look at masks, with a focus on those from the Chiny carnival. The exhibition will be open during the opening hours of the Chiny Cultural Centre.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Source: Chiny-tourisme.be